


Sharing Perspectives on the Reconstructive Lumpectomy: A Discussion for Surgeons and Radiation Oncologists

Sharing Perspectives on the Reconstructive Lumpectomy: A Discussion for Surgeons and Radiation Oncologists
Originally Broadcast: Thursday, January 21 at 4PM PST (7PM EST)


An interactive, case-based panel discussion designed to:

  • highlight optimal breast reconstruction and localization techniques
  • provide insight to technology's impact on the surgeon - radiation oncologist partnership

Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and hear about the latest breast reconstruction methods from a multi-disciplinary team, including two surgeons and a radiation oncologist, practicing in both Academic and Community based centers.


Tips & Tricks

  • Please use Chrome for the best registration and viewing experience.
  • Please ensure that you have fairly strong internet bandwidth. If your network speed is slow, it is suggested that you plug directly into a modem and not use wireless.
  • Please watch on a computer if possible as opposed to a mobile device.
  • If you experience Firewall or access issues, please contact your institution’s IT Department for support.

Created by

One Hologic

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Karen Barbosa, DO, FACOS

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Anthony Lucci, MD

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MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Breast Surgical Oncology, University of Texas

Joshua Mondschein, MD

Joshua Mondschein, MD

Radiation Oncologist
Tennessee Oncology / Provision Proton Therapy center, Nashville, TN

Asal Rahimi, MD, MS

Asal Rahimi, MD, MS

Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center